Real stories from Anglia Care Trust Domestic Abuse Outreach team
Helpline call from a male survivor with mental health issues.
ACT received a self-referral, via the Suffolk Domestic Abuse Helpline to support a male survivor. W had been in a domestic abusive relationship and alleged that his ex-partner had been sexually and emotionally abusive to him.
W had mental health problems and was self-harming. He felt overwhelmed and did not know how to handle the domestic abuse he had suffered.
The ACT worker encouraged and supported W to address his mental health issues. ACT gave W information on self-harming and strategies to reduce this. They also encouraged him to develop hobbies to occupy him.
ACT’s support worker supported W by speaking to him regularly about the abuse he had suffered and supported him emotionally.
W took up a hobby, singing and sharing it to YouTube. He also used the techniques sent to him by the ACT worker to manage his self-harming. He reported that he had stopped self-harming and seen a drastic improvement in his mental health.
Here's is a quote from W:-
“I just wanted to say thank you for helping me. You have made such a huge difference in my life. and it is the incredible unsung heroes like yourself that give so much to so many people and never really get any credit. So thank you from the bottom of my heart..... you are amazing.... keep up the good work.”